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  • 008 - š•vertorial Case Study (5.27x ROAS)

008 - š•vertorial Case Study (5.27x ROAS)

I try publishing this newsletter every Monday, but sometimes life gets in the way.


Iā€™m kind of glad I waited this week, because I just kicked things off with a new client and weā€™ve got some exciting results to share.

My good friend Derek Johanson is the creator of CopyHour. This was the first ever copywriting course I took, way back in 2014.

He recently launched a new product called Weekend Launch Party, which helps people launch a newsletter business in a single weekend. Itā€™s an exceptional program.

He wanted to start advertising on š•, so he hit me up.

We put together a little test.

I had been telling him about my š•vertorial concept. I explained that the way to win big on š• is by creating ā€œrabbit holesā€ for your prospects to tumble down. The platform is built for that kind of content. So itā€™s good to test out some ā€œnativeā€ style content, like threads and long form posts as ads.

He agreed to give it a shot.

Iā€™m happy to report that after our first few days of running this ad, weā€™ve got conversions.

Heā€™s running this ad and a static, short form ad for website clicks.

Weā€™ve only been spending $10/day (not much I know).

oMg WhAt A sMaLl BuDgEt

Weā€™re starting small to validate the ads and funnel and plan on ramping up from from here.

So far weā€™ve got a 5.27x ROAS.

Again, itā€™s not a YUGE budget or a YUGE result just yetā€¦ but itā€™s nice to see the validation here.

Why is this ad working?

Itā€™s story-driven.

People LOVE stories. Especially on š•.

Well, they love them on Meta, too. Youā€™ve probably seen how effective long form copy performs in a Meta ad, as well.

The ad is demonstrative.

Derek has built up an impressive over the years. And Iā€™m not just saying this because heā€™s my friend. His programs are great and Iā€™m excited to help him scale this one, too.

This ad demonstrates HOW he started his newsletter, which segues into the promise of the course.

This ad also has proof elements:

Ryan McGrath is a name you recognize if youā€™re in the direct response publishing world.

Dan Kennedy is the GOAT - I think everyone in direct response has read at least one of his books. (And if you havenā€™t you should.)

Gary Bencivenga (arguably the greatest living direct response copywriter) has said that itā€™s not the size of the promiseā€¦ itā€™s the size of the proof.

Any jerkoff can promise theyā€™ll make you a billion dollars without having to lift a fingerā€¦ oR yOu DoNā€™t PaY bRo!

But that falls on deaf ears, unless you can demonstrate.

Lastly, this ad is educational.

You learn something about your problemā€¦ and the solution to the problem.

It helps you understand your situation. Itā€™s almost like a ā€˜consultative closeā€™ through print. Very nice.

It doesnā€™t matter what you sellā€¦ š•vertorials work.

I had a call last week with a nine-figure company, who shall remain nameless at this time.

I was educating their team about how to best use š• ads to bring in more clients. When I asked their #1 acquisition source at the moment, they told me it was from the Founderā€™s organic content on š•.


So then pull those long form posts into ads manager, apply some targeting parameters, and put some spend behind it to amplify your efforts.

That Xvertorial I posted above have a 4% engagement rate. That is VERY good.

If you check your engagement rate on your short form posts, I doubt theyā€™re beating that.

People click through and readā€¦ and by the time theyā€™re at the bottom they want to take the next step.

Itā€™s selling without having to push too hard.

Itā€™s more of a ā€œpullā€ rather than a ā€œpushā€ā€¦ if that makes sense.

How to create a winning š•vertorial

This ad is one you could model for your own brand.

But the Interesting thing about this ad isā€¦ itā€™s actually an email.

Derek first sent this to his list. I thought it had a great ā€˜hookā€™ā€¦ so we rolled it out as an ad. And, it worked!

Thatā€™s because a good hook is a good hook, regardless of the platform itā€™s posted on.

I bet you have dozens, if not hundreds, of awesome hooks from your pre-existing content you could deploy as an š• ad.

If youā€™d like some help getting started on š•, then hit reply and say ā€œwork with Orzyā€ā€¦ and we can chat.

Chris Orzechowski


Speaking of newsletters, I publish a print newsletter every month called:

Make It Rain Monthly

This month, Iā€™m going to be breaking down 12 static ad frameworks you can model for your own brand, to make more sales.


I also have one spot open on my roster for my retention marketing services (email, SMS, & direct mail).

If youā€™re interested in blowing up your owned revenue fast, then hit me up.