015: Scaling from 0-$20k/month in spend

Hey Iā€™m back.

Iā€™ve been busy LARPing as a European, taking a lot of time off this summer to travel and go ā€œon holiday.ā€

Client projects are humming along smoothly. Weā€™re scaling accounts. Snapping necks and cashing checks (as our our clients).


As Iā€™m sitting here with nothing important to do today, I figured Iā€™d publish a new edition of Xvertising.

Hereā€™s a little case study from one of my X Ads Agency (West Egg)ā€™s clients:

Weā€™ve got this e-commerce brand who, before coming to us, blew $1,000 in X ads and had nothing to show for it. Weā€™ve been working with them for about six months now.

In the beginning, we had to do a lot of audience testing. We had to mess around with their campaign structure a bit. We had to test a number of different offers and creatives. But the results of those tests allowed us to settle on a framework thatā€™s working well for them.

Weā€™re now spending $700/day. Profitable on the front end. Our CPA is 41% less than what theyā€™re paying on Meta.

Hereā€™s some stuff weā€™ve learned:

  1. When youā€™re scaling X ads, you canā€™t make huge jumps. 10-15% spend increases at a timeā€¦ otherwise itā€™ll reset the learning period and might jeopardize the campaign. We bumped this account up on Monday. If the performance holds, weā€™ll bump it up another 15% on Thursday. And weā€™ll keep repeating this until we canā€™t push it anymore. I believe weā€™ll be able to keep pushing this spend higher, hopefully into the six-figure per month territory. The product is mass-market enough and has a big enough TAM.

  2. Advertorials work well. Iā€™ve written in earlier editions of this newsletter about the concept of the Xvertorial. We havenā€™t tested out that framework of doing a long form, Xvertorial style tweet yet, because a straight advertorial (bridge page) has been working well. Our advertorial funnel is acquiring customers for ~38% less than our straight offer ads. Interesting. Weā€™re gonna see how far we can push this.

  3. Weā€™ve tested three different offer structures. Theyā€™re all working well, well under our target CPA. I know everyone wants to find ā€œThe One Offer to Rule Them Allā€ but I am OK with three ROAS positive offers in rotation. On a long enough timeline, weā€™ll hook ā€˜em with something!

  4. Quote tweet your haters. The unique thing about š• is that you can get a ton of earned media impressions, which equate to thousands of dollars of ā€œfree advertising.ā€ I think this happens somewhat on Meta, maybe not as much as it used to in the early years. It doesnā€™t happen at all on platforms like Google or Youtube, where there is no mechanism for this to be possible. You can quote tweet haters/stupid people, rally your side, and get new people to see your ads while countering objections and making sales arguments.

  5. Test look-alike audiences. Export a list of your customers and/or email subscribers. Upload them as a custom audience. Click this box that says Include look-alikes of your selected custom audiences. wHaT hApPeNs NeXt WiLl ShOcK yOu (hint: youā€™ll make a lot of money).

Anyway, those are just some top of mind observations weā€™ve had scaling this one DTC brandā€™s account in particular.

Will report back with more updates soon.

If you want my team and I to scale your business with X ads, then apply here:

Chris Orzechowski